Protect & Soften Your Soil.
Mulch preserves moisture, replaces grass & adds color.
Mulch Installation in Madison, WI
Mulch is a very common element in a landscape, typically refreshed every year (sometimes every two years) to maintain color and depth. Mulch color fades in the sun and mulch depth recedes as it decomposes, which reduces its effectiveness. A new/initial installation will use more mulch than an existing mulch bed being refreshed.
Below are a few of our most commonly used mulches. We have access to many more, so just ask!
Popular Mulch Varieties
Double Shredded Hardwood
Our most popular mulch. This is a finely shredded bark mulch with a uniform consistency.
Dyed Brown Hardwood
This mulch is also very popular. It’s a bit chunkier than shredded mulch (above), but will usually last a little longer. It is also a bit more resistant to fading in the sun due to the dyed brown color.
Dyed Red Hardwood
This mulch is the same physical product as dyed brown mulch, but red. This dyed mulch is actually available in several colors, but Brown and Red are the most popular.
Playground Chips
We have access to Wisconsin-certified play mat. If you are filling a children's play area, this is the stuff to use. It forms a little bit softer of a landing zone when compared to other mulches.